Cooney Brothers



The Cooney 12 Days of Christmas: Day 2, RIDGID Pipe Wrenches

Posted on Friday, Dec 6, 2019 in PVFundamentals
Cooney Christmas Day 2 RIDGID Wrenches

As we count down the days to Christmas, we’ve re-imagined the classic 12 Days of Christmas song! Check back every business day starting Thursday, December 5th for a new verse of our updated song.

The Cooney 12 Days of Christmas

On the second day of Christmas Cooney Brothers sold to me

Two RIDGID Wrenches, and

A pump for condensate recovery

RIDGID Wrenches, a (nearly) 100-year old legacy

The RIDGID brand was born in 1923 with the introduction of its pipe wrench. With its nearly 100-year history of producing quality hand tools, Emerson’s RIDGID pipe wrenches are a trusted standard today.

RIDGID makes a variety of quality pipe wrenches including:

Straight Pipe Wrenches are available in two styles. The Heavy-duty Straight Pipe Wrenches have a sturdy, ductile-iron housing and an I-beam handle with a full floating forged hook jaw, featuring self-cleaning threads with replaceable hook and heel jaws. RIDGID Aluminum Pipe Wrenches provide the same durability and ease-of-use found in all RIDGID heavy-duty wrenches but are made from lightweight aluminum.

End Pipe Wrenches are ideal wrench for pipe work being done in tight quarter, close to a wall, or in closely spaced parallel lines.

Offset Pipe Wrenches are ideal for overhead applications by providing easy entry into tight spots with their jaw opening parallel to the handle and a narrower hook jaw head. Available in heavy-duty and lightweight aluminum versions.

Chain Wrenches give fast, rachet-like action in either direction with their double jaw. The heavy-duty chain wrench comes with replaceable alloy steel jaws, and the light-duty version has a one-piece forged alloy steal handle and jaw.

RIDGID also manufactures Inner Tube Core Barrel Wrenches, Hex Wrenches, Spud Wrenches, Compound Leverage Wrenches, Strap Wrenches, Cain Tongs, and specialty wrenches, in addition to a wide range of other tools for the plumbing and industrial pipe-fitters. Contact Cooney Brothers, an authorized RIDGID distributor, for product selection assistance or RIDGID replacement parts.