Cooney Brothers



What is the Viega ProPress Pressure Rating?

Posted on Tuesday, Mar 8, 2022 in PVFundamentals

Viega ProPress Pressure Rating and MegaPress Pressure Rating Guide

ProPress Pressure Rating

The Viega ProPress System revolutionized the way pipes are joined by reducing connection time to 7 seconds or less and eliminating the need for burn permits and fire watches. As this method continues to grow in popularity, we hear many questions about proper use. As an authorized Viega distributor, a common question we are asked by customers is: What is the Viega ProPress pressure rating?

The answer to this is simply: it depends. Viega ProPress fitting pressure rating depends on your specific application and the metal type. The same is to be said for Viega MegaPress pressure rating. Viega provides us with pressure ratings in their Approved Applications Chart, which also includes temperature ratings for each product line, material, and sealing element. Please see the below charts for a quick reference for MegaPress pressure rating and ProPress fittings pressure ratings organized by media.

Viega Propress Pressure Rating and MegaPress Pressure Rating for Water and Liquids

Media Maximum Pressure (psig)
Hot and Cold Potable Water
Rainwater / Graywater
Chilled Water
Hydronic Heating Water
Treated Water
Reverse Osmosis Water
ProPress Copper = 300 psig
ProPress Valves = 250 psig
ProPress Stainless = 200 psig
MegaPress = 200 psig
Paraffin Wax
Methyl Ethyl Ketone
Isopropyl Alcohol
Nitric Acid
Phosphoric Acid
200 psig
Fire Sprinkler 175 psig
Low-pressure Steam 15 psig
Residential Steam 5 psig

*Chart above is a quick reference guide for ProPress Fitting Pressure Rating. Please see Viega Approved Applications document for approved ProPress and MegaPress fittings and seals for each media.

Viega Propress Pressure Rating for Fuels, Oils, and Lubricants / MegaPress Gas Fittings Pressure Rating

Media Maximum Pressure (psig)
Ethanol / Pure Grain Alcohol
Mineral Oil
Petroleum Based Lube Oil
200 psig
Biodiesel 140 psig
Natural Gas
Heating Fuel Oil
Diesel Fuel
125 psig

*Chart above is a quick reference guide of Viega MegaPress Pressure Rating. Please see Viega Approved Applications document for approved ProPress and MegaPress fittings and seals for each media.  

Viega Propress Pressure Rating for use with Gases

Media Maximum Pressure (psig)
Compressed Air
Nitrogen - N2
Carbon Dioxide - CO2
Carbon Monoxide - CO
Argon - Ar
200 psig
Oxygen - O2 140 psig
Hydrogen - H2 125 psig
Acetylene 20 psig
Vacuum - Minimum absolute pressure 750µm Hg
Vacuum - Maximum differential pressure 29.2" Hg

*Chart above is a quick reference guide of ProPress Fittings Pressure Ratings. Please see Viega Approved Applications document for approved ProPress and MegaPress fittings and seals for each media.

Viega Propress Pressure Rating for Special Media

Media Maximum Pressure (psig)
Latex Paint
200 psig
Urea Solution
Caustic Soda
140 psig
Liquid Acetone 70 psig

*Chart above is a quick reference guide of Vega ProPress pressure rating. Please see Viega Approved Applications document for approved ProPress and MegaPress fittings and seals for each media.

As an authorized distributor of Viega, Cooney Brothers stocks a wide variety of fittings for ProPress Copper, ProPress Stainless, MegaPress Stainless, and MegaPress Carbon Steel. Shop over 1200 Viega products on our website or learn more about the Viega press methods here.