The Cooney 12 Days of Christmas: Day 6, Sanitary Fittings

As we count down the days to Christmas, we’ve re-imagined the classic 12 Days of Christmas song! Check back tomorrow, Friday, December 13th for a new verse of our updated song.
The Cooney 12 Days of Christmas
On the sixth day of Christmas Cooney Brothers sold to me
Six Clamp End Fittings
Five Urinals
Four Bronze Ball Valves
Three lengths of pipe
Two RIDGID Wrenches, and
A pump for condensate recovery
Clamp End Sanitary Fittings
Industries such as food, beverage and pharmaceuticals, use a unique subset of components in their manufacturing processes to transport products. Known as sanitary fittings, these items are most commonly made from 304 Stainless Steel and 316 Stainless Steel, although other specialty alloys are available. One of the most notable features of sanitary fittings has a very important purpose: the highly polished surface prevents the growth of bacteria.
While there are two main ways sanitary fittings can be connected, welding is less common than clamping, which offers a major advantage: the connections can be easily dismantled for cleaning. Clamp connections consist of a clamp-end fitting or ferrule, a gasket, and another clamp-end fitting or ferrule held together by a clamp. The end on these sanitary fittings extends out for use with a clamp, hence name clamp end fittings, although they are also referred to as tri-clamp fittings or simply clamp fittings.
There are many styles of sanitary clamps available: from single pin and double pin, with different wing nut styles, to bolted clamps, toggle clamps, and even three segment versions. One new innovation from Dixon Sanitary is the Single Pin Squeeze Clamp. These revolutionary clamps allow users to make a connection with one hand - its spring-loaded handle allows the squeeze clamp to stay on all types of clamp ferrules while users tighten the wing-nut and hold the fittings in place at the same time.
Clamp fittings are available in the familiar configurations: Ferrules, end caps, clamp adapters, elbows, tees, wyes, crosses, and other specialty shapes.
Clamp gaskets are available in a variety of materials, most commonly Buna-N, EPDM, FKM, Silicone, and PTFE (not recommend for bolted clamps). See our gasket selection guide here.
Cooney Brothers is proud to be an authorized distributor for Dixon Valve and carry a large inventory of Dixon Sanitary products. Shop Sanitary Products including sanitary fittings, centrifugal pumps, positive displacement pumps, sanitary clamps, and clean steam products or contact us for more information.